Happy Ending or Bad Idea?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jan 9, 2013

Some of you may have read that my chin and I are grieving the loss of his buddy. I am concerened that Curtis needs company and I know there are chins out there that need rescuing.

Chinchillas are not so popular over here as they are in the states.. easy to find breeders but not chins needing homes.

I have found a poor boy living about 40 miles away who has been rescued from a bad situation (left alone in a spare room due to new puppy ) :(

He is called Dexter and he is three and a standard beige

My Curtis is 6 and pink eyed white and used to other chins.

Dexter has never lived with another chinchilla... I may add that I have done two successful introductions before and I know this does not guarantee success. Has anyone ever introduced a chin that previously lived alone??

All advice greatfully recieved!!
After a 30 day quarintine I would just put their cages in sight of each other and slowly move them closer together until the cages are touching walls and they can reach though and touch each other. I have one boy that can not be with others due to his fighting but he is very depressed unless he can do this. He loves to reach through and play footsie and sniff, kack, race around and do it all over again