Hamster Stashes Carrot

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Ahahahhaaa... Hammies are awesome!

My Black Bear, Lilith ..can get a baby carrot on each side and still put blocks in, too! :wacko:
Ahahahhaaa... Hammies are awesome!

My Black Bear, Lilith ..can get a baby carrot on each side and still put blocks in, too! :wacko:

Our previous ham, Olivia (also a black teddy, had to be put down for a tumor), did that once. I must say, I completely freaked out, but she was totally fine.

Here's a pic of our little girl, Nutmeg - she also has a knack for stuffing those pouches for all they're worth...

Wow! Well, it's good to hear it doesn't hurt them or whatever...that's what I was wondering. Your hammy was cute though, RIP.
when i was younger we had a hamster like that and we freeked out when it stuffed a peanut in shell in there. it was so funny!
I had a rescue hamster once, and every time I took her out of the cage to clean it, she would stuff her cheeks full of everything in her temporary bucket hangout.. all the food, the bedding, she even tried to stuff the food bowl in there once. Hamsters are funny!
I feed my hamster an assortment of veggies every night before I go to bed. My hamster is getting old and doesn't leave his hidey house much, but he will come out as soon as I put the food into his cage, stuff his cheeks until they are ready to explode, and goes back into his hidey house! I guess he likes to eat in bed!!!
HAHA, LOL, a hamster at my work did that when I gave him a carrot. He nibbled at it, then stashed it, but the carrot didn't fit, so he nibbled it a little more, then stashed it. He had a fat, long lump running down his side. I couldn't stop laughing! :)
OMG!! The carrot was almost as big as he is. I showed my hubby and he pointed and laughed. I call him hamster cheeks because he shoves so much food in his mouth at one time his cheeks poof out.