Half of FN142 ok for 2 chins?

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Well-known member
May 23, 2011
Cohoes, NY
So I am going to split my FN142 in half when Lily and Buffy are out of quarantine but it seems that the cages will be a little small for one chin, let alone 2 sharing it. Anyone have 2 chins in half of a FN142? Does it seem crowded?
I really don't want to have 2 FN142's in my bedroom but will if they need the space.

I've been over to Stacie's several times. Most of her chins are in pairs and sharing 1/2 an FN. They have plenty of room, and they're BIG BOYS!
I've been over to Stacie's several times. Most of her chins are in pairs and sharing 1/2 an FN. They have plenty of room, and they're BIG BOYS!

Thanks Brittany, that is good to know. I just don't want to cramp them, I can tell how much Delilah likes the space and feel bad taking it away from her, lol
These guys are both between 800-900 grams so you get an idea of the size of the cage compared to them. They do great in a single story FN. I often use single FN 141's for pairs.



Sorry about the blurriness. I didn't realize I had a big ol' smudge on my lens until after I uploaded the pictures.
Usually Chili, the Black Velvet currently in the hammock. :p It's just a pot from Hobby Lobby. They love it because stays nice and cool, and works well as a hidey house.
It's fine. Mine are in pairs in a divided 142.....doesn't seem crowded at all.