Hair Ring Check Help

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Sep 2, 2011
Kingsland, Georgia
Hello Everyone,

I have had my chin "Pinot" for about 6 months now. By reading this forum i have discovered that Hair RIng Checks are needed. I have been trying for a week now to do this check. The problem is my chin is very active and does not like to be held. He will sit on my shoulder and let me pet him anytime, but as far as holding him to cuddle, he does not like. I let him out everyday and play with him, so he is not shy. I have watched the hair ring check video and read all of the write ups on hair ring checks. I have tried to wrap him up, hold him to my chest, have someone else try to hold him by tail base and back, and nothing works. He just totally freaks out and i can tell it really stress's him out. I thought about calling in a mobile vet to help but wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions or lived close to me and possibly could meet me to help. I live about 35 mins. from Jacksonville Florida.
I will wrap them up in a hand towel and sit on a stool, put them on their backs on my lap and inspect this way. But it definitely helps them if they are wrapped, makes them feel a little more secure and safe.
Essentia here runs a chinchilla rescue in Jacksonville, PM her here and see if she can help.
It is funny you ask this question, as I just walked in on one of my males doing his own ringcheck...impressive :laughitup:

I have 8 males and do not burrito any of them to do hair ring checks. Then again, I am fairly assertive when holding them. I feel that holding them a little tighter and getting it over quicker is less stressful that burrito-ing them or messing around with being gentle.

Here is my routine (I do these without help):

1) get male chinchilla needing hair ring check
2) weigh him (I do this on a kitchen counter, but you have to be very vigilant that they do not get away and jump off...though I have not had this issue, I just worry about it happening)
3) turn him so his back is against your chest and hold him so your palm (I am somewhat ambidextrous, so I use my left for this since my right is dominant) is across his ribcage and the chin's right arm is between your pointer and middle finger
4) talk to him and tell him what you are doing (I know this is silly, but it seems to distract them)
5) lift his so he is in a standing/sitting posture so you have access to the goods
6) perform hair ring check

I have found that chins that are initially disliking of the ringchecks get used to it and know what you are doing after the first few you do on them.

Good luck!
I am new to all of this too - so I can relate. Only had the chinchillas for 3 weeks and wanted to make sure one of them didn't have a hair ring. The first couple of times I picked him up and held him agains my chest with his belly exposed. So he would get used to being in that position. The next day no matter how hard I tried couldn't make it work, stopped because I didn't wanted to hurt him, thought poor guy - traumatized for life. ;) Tried again the following day with lubricant and it was so much easier to do.