Hair Loss on the tail

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New member
Nov 13, 2013
I apologize if this has already been answered, but I didn't see it.

I adopted a chin from a family who could no longer have him a little over a year ago. I spend a lot of time with him, but he's at least 3 and has never been handled, so he will get into my hand and such,but isn't interested in being held. I don't want to stress him out, so I don't push the matter.

Tonight when I was sitting with him I noticed a little hair loss on his tail. It almost looks like his wheel has rubbed the hair off, but he has a saucer wheel, that he's still figuring out. So I can't imagine rubbing is the cause.

I clean his cage weekly, he has plenty of Timothy hay, and toys, as well as an exercise wheel. I also give him dust baths weekly. Is he okay? What am I doing wrong? I'm just worried about him, but he's incredibly hard to get in a carrier or something given that he's never really been handled.

I'd appreciate any help or advice you can give.

First, I'm sure you're doing fine. Some chins never really warm up to people, but they are content and do fine anyway. You may just have to accept him as chinavision, something fun to watch, rather than interact a lot with.

Second, oftentimes if a chin uses fur down to it's skin in a large patch it's fungus. You can try putting some Tinactin powder in his dust bath as well as rubbing it onto the bald spot (which could be a challenge in this case, I know). I personally use Blu-Kote, which you can buy at Tractor Supply or other farm stores. It comes with a dauber and you can coat the bald area with it. Be careful if you do, it will stain everything a dark purple. Do it somewhere you won't mind if it splashes.
Could also be fur slip if he's real skittish? I've had chinchillas lose a TON of tail fur because of being skittish before...but more often than not it IS fungus when it's a bald spot to the skin so the suggestions above are accurate. I too use Blue Kote as it's quickest in treating BUT when she says it STAINS! Like, it stains porcelain in the bathtub for WEEKS! The stuff is brutal.
Its probably a fur slip, but there is that possibility of fungus like everyone said. Are you able to post a photo?