Growing your own garden

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Richmond Virginia
This week a new raised bed will be delivered to my house. I'm just tired of the prices on some of my favorite vegetables and decided to try my hand at growing. I've started some vegs indoors along with my favorite cooking herbs. Also the cats will be happy to know catnip is going to be part of the line up. Just wondering if this is a new trend due to the economy. When my raised bed comes up in conversation, I am suprised at the number of people who are talking about it too. Or the use of containers this year. If the current prices continue on the same path, I might have to hide a milking cow in the garage. So humor me and let me know what your planting or will try to grow this season. I am going to grow cabbage, green beans, red peppers, cantelope, watermellon, herbs, cat nip and sun flowers for the birds. I'll also be adding high voltage electricity (jk) around the perimeter for the squirrels. Darned tree rats ate my beautiful pepper plants in half when they started to bloom last year. One would think the sun flower seed I put out for them would have been enough. Buggers!!
It is definitely becoming more and more popular. It was really popular last year, and this year I read in the paper it's up something like 15%.

If you don't have a big yard, you can always grow veggies in a large terra cotta pot, you just have to be good about watering and fertilizing. Use a potting soil mix instead of the same mix you would use to plant in the ground (it's too heavy for a pot).

Adopt a nice barn cat to live outside to chase away your tree rats. It's the only thing that kept them out of our greenhouse. You could also try bird/tobacco netting.

My dad and I are growing a garden this year. Tomatoes, beans, snap peas, lettuce, carrots, herbs, and I want to plant a berry patch with strawberries and blueberries.

Herbs are great to grow in window boxes! Nothing says "classy" like adding a sprig of curly parsley to a plate when your guests are over for dinner.

Growing basil near tomatoes will also make them taste for all you tomato growers consider planting a basil plant or two in your garden.

Okay I've obviously been at work too long today. Have fun gardening!
I don't have room to plant a huge garden so I plant snow peas and lemon cucumbers and train them to climb the chain link fence and Kohlrabi and one tomato plant for hubby. I also have my raspberry patch where I can't get anything else to grow.
That was great map, now I want to grow a garden. :dance3:

Susan you should make a bunny pot for veggies for your bunnies!! You can plant swiss chard, which is a cold weather crop, and replant it in the fall so you can have veggies in the winter. Think about it ;)
I think there is a rising trend in gardening. In fact, just last night at our public library there was a special presentation for the community on square foot gardening that was well attended. They are also sponsoring a plant exchange in the coming weeks.
The raised bed came yesterday! Looking forward to the garden. Thanks everyone for posting. I enjoy growing house plants and this is going to be fun. I'd like to say my outdoor kitty will take care of the tree rats. But that isn't going to happen. He sits from his throne and watches them. :rofl: I'll have to put up some kind of wire. Good idea on putting the herbs in a pot. That will free up space. The grass here is greening up very nice and I'm itchy to begin.
Not a gardening fan. Even if I had room here in town (the only place with sunlight the dogs would demolish) I still wouldn't do it. All that crawling around on your knees, dealing with weeds, bugs, and God knows what else. It sure tastes good after the work is done, but I barely have time to fall asleep as it is. It's a pass for me.

Carol - You can send me some tomatoes though. Always happy to take in homegrown maters. :)
OOOhh I was just thinking about this earlier and tell me, how much did your raised bed cost and how big is it? I love to garden and have been thinking of growing squash and zuchinni because we eat it like its going out of style. I would also like to do bell peppers, tomatos, and try watermelons again. I have a couple of herbs in pots and they did fine...
I grow my own vegetable garden most years, and am debating whether to grow one this year. It has been so cold and wet and I'm not enthusiastic about going out and digging in the dirt. I usually try to have mine planted by memorial day. I till up a huge area of ground (with a shovel - muscle power!) and then create raised rows. I grow all of our favorite veggies and have a huge strawberry spread. The kids are getting old enough now that they come out and help me some. The worst is keeping the slugs out and keeping the weeds at bay. I've read about putting down newspaper between rows to keep the weeds from growing, but I have yet to try it. But with all the hard work it takes to get it started, it sure is thrilling to see all the veggies sprout and get big. I usually grow too much and some goes to waste. But this year, as we watch our pennies, maybe it is a good idea to plant, grow organic veggies, and save a few bucks.
My dad starts from seeds in his greenhouse and this year will be giving me tomatoe, cucumbers & basil. I'm thinking of potting them though, since we are reseeding our backyard. I would also like some mint (iced tea & mojitos!!).
My husband and I are closing on a townhouse April 24. It has a great little yard with a lot of sun, and we can't wait to plant things we can eat! We're going to do some research as to what is best to grow in our climate/conditions, but at the garden store today we saw meyer lemons in a pot which we thought looked fun. I'm sure we'll do strawberry pots, a couple tomatoes (fried green tomatoes...yum!), zucchini, and some herbs at a minimum.
Meyer lemons are delicious. You can put them outside after memorial day, and then bring them back in in September (this is all relative, basically when it is "warm out", and the temperature does not really get below 40-50 degrees). I don't know if you've ever had one, but they are a cross between mandarin oranges and lemons so they are sweeter.

In addition to our garden, I got my dad a navel orange tree for his birthday/father's day to keep in a pot on the patio.

Citrus plants like to be planted in a similar medium as cactus soil, because they like to be well drained. Make sure you have an oil spray on hand in case of bugs.

If you don't like to crawl around and like tomatoes :looks at Tunes:, then you can get one of those "topsy turvy" planters that are on television and plant tomatoes in them. We also plant basil on the top. It's easy peasy! If you do do this though, I would recommend fertilizing regularly because there isn't a lot of soil.
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Is there anything that is easy to grow, I mean really easy? Something for beginners?

I tend to kill plants...but really really want to grow some things. I have a back yard, mostly sunny, hot, FL. But if I don't touch it except to plant it, and have my husband water it, they may have a chance at growing! Lol.
I beleive you are all right. LOL

I work in a nursery. We have been taking pre orders for veggies and floweers since March 1. I am amazed. I usually start right about now for the season. Went yesterday to sort orders so I can order Monday. Just for what has been pre ordered I will be over what I brought in 2 years ago by almost 40%.That is one order vs the season.

Container gardens do seem popular this year.

Hint: Plant a couple marigolds in your tomatoes if you have bug problems. That will keep bugs out really well.

Now if it would just warm up.
I always have a huge garden and grow way more than I can ever use. All my family loves the extras though. Chinniechantel it depends how much room you have. Potatoes and garlic are the first two that come to mind for me.
Is there anything that is easy to grow, I mean really easy? Something for beginners?

I tend to kill plants...but really really want to grow some things. I have a back yard, mostly sunny, hot, FL. But if I don't touch it except to plant it, and have my husband water it, they may have a chance at growing! Lol.

Tomatoes and beans, herbs are pretty easy.