I got a comb when I got Chipper because he looked like he really needed a good brushing. Turned out he had a couple small knots that dusting wasn't going to free up so the comb came in handy. He prefered to bite it than have it on his fur but the knots would come back so he needed the comb. Neither one of us liked to go through the process.
My current chins don't need the comb so I'm trying a run-by-combing method to see if I can maybe get them to like being combed. It seems to be working on Miesha. As long as I don't try to grab him, he's ok with the comb taking a gentle swipe or two at his back side. As long as he's calm, I'm ok with making the attempt. This is not a necessary activity after all, it's play. A show comb is kinda scary sharp if you've never seen one (has to be to get into the dense fur of a chin), I have a #2 if I remember correctly. Miesha actually ignores the comb after the first pass or so. Here's how it goes: I pick a spot in the play area to hover and he comes near me if his play takes him there, I comb without holding him, his play takes him elsewhere, I wait, he comes back, and so on. I randomly pet him as well so he doesn't think the only thing I want to do is comb him. And if he acts like he doesn't want the comb, I put it away. The comb pulls whatever is loose (not much really) out of his coat.
So far Sonic sees the comb and hides. I'm guessing some like the feel and most don't. And there's no way of knowing if yours will like it until you try it. Since you don't have a comb, unless your chin has a cronic knot problem I don't think you need one.