Grinding teeth and not eating

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New member
Aug 7, 2012
U. S. A.
My chin has had trouble eating since yesterday and either doesn't touch her food or takes small bites of it and drops it. She also grinds her teeth while near her food dish and may have trouble swallowing. Not really sure about this part though. While she is sitting in my arms she occasionally bites my arm. Should I be scheduling a visit to the vet soon?
Yes you should, like, tomorrow. If she's not eating, she's in trouble. You may be dealing with teeth issues causing her not to eat, but the byproduct of that can be bloat, stasis, and death.

Get her in to the vet right away. Have her anesthetized and get x-rays of her teeth. Grinding is a sign of pain. It could be from teeth or she could be having issues with her stomach - either way, she needs to see a vet.
A chin who has not ate anything in 24 hours could end up with a medical emergency that can lead to death very quick-chin needs a vet today.