Gotta blow some steam...

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Winona, MN
When C'n'Q was up I started emailing with a member on there quite regularly.
She decided that she wanted to let her violet male go...hoping that he would breed someday. I told her I just wanted him to be a pet, nothing more. So she decided to meet with me to get me the Chin. I was in central WI to visit my family and she decided to drive about an hour from where I was to do the drop off. I went there with my mom, sister, and fiance (at the time) in the car with me. She didn't show...I waited an hour...nothing. So I went home and called her and left her messages on her home and cell asking if everything was alright. I was worried that something had happened on the way. So I finally hear back from her days later and she lets me know that he husband was on the trip with her...she failed to inform him that this trip was about 2 1/2 - 3 hours long. Half way there he got really impatient and asked how much longer it was going to be, when she told him, apparently he got really upset, they stopped the car, argued for awhile, and went back home. She let me know this and I told her that it was fine, I wasn't mad about not meeting (she was worried that I was really upset...I wasn't). She said that we could re-schedule and I told her I would drive farther so that her husband didn't get upset.

I never heard from her again. EVER.

This was last September and since then I've tried to contact her several times about the abrupt ending to what I thought was a friendship. I finally gave up...

BUT, then I was on here looking at who's from where...I was looking at people in the MN and WI area to see who's close to me. I came across her by accident. It was the last person I was looking at on here and after reading a few of her posts, I put two and two together. I responded to a thread she had, telling her that I was sorry for the loss of her Momma chin...whom I had heard a lot about in the past. For whatever reason, she doesn't want to tell anyone this Chin's name. I had made a comment about this Chin in her photo album, calling the girl by her name and comment is no longer there. Then last night I saw that she has a few kits for sale and as some of you know, I've been looking around to see what there is out there. I responded to her posting and PM'd her and immediately, she closed down the thread.

Seriously, I don't know WHAT I did to this girl...I think the reason it drives me so crazy is because I've never had someone just up and stop talking to me without any explanation. My relationships with people are good...If I don't like you you'll know it and I wont be fake about the relationships that I do have in my life are all fine.

Some of you probably think I should just let it go already...and I did for a long time, but then I saw her on here and thought I'd give it one more shot....only to be completely ignored again.

I think its wrong is all...Who does that to someone?
HA, its been almost a year...I'm thinking the embarrassment should have worn off by now and an explanation would have been sent.
I'm finding out more and more that this is typical behavior from her.
Oh well...whatever...
I just needed to write about it and get it off of my felt like a good sigh...
I don't know, I think this is probably something that should have been kept between you and the person and admin if you felt the need to get them involved.

Because who knows her side of the story? I don't know that it's fair to call someone out..

I'm sorry you're having issues though, there are plenty of other cute chins to get! :))
No, no, no...this is not about the Chin at all. Neither one of the chins.

I'm not looking for any debate or anyone taking sides...I'm just venting in the Chit Chat section. Mostly for my own purposes...I didn't care if anyone even commented on this, I just needed to vent.

And as far as her side...yeah, I'd like to know that too...
I mean, we talked and talked EVERY DAY for months about Chins and life and then when we were supposed to meet up and she didn't show I got really worried about her. Days later I find out that she and her husband got in a fight about the distance of the trip and he made her turn around. I wasn't mad about it at all! If I didn't get the chin that was fine...its not like I NEEDED this Chin. She OFFERED this Chin to me...I wasn't even looking for one.

All I wanted was to continue speaking with her and then she just vanished on me. It was weird, that's all...she never posted on C'n'Q after that either and then I saw her on here and thought I'd try to get in touch, but that didn't work either.
*shrugs* I don't know...

As far as putting any of the admin in this...there's nothing to talk about with an admin...that's just causing unnecessary drama then. I'm not calling her out on anything, I'm just confused...And if I could keep this between me and this person I would have but she will not speak to me! Me starting this thread wasn't my way of starting anything up...I just needed to get it off of my chest.
I get that you just needed to vent I think we all have days like that or situations like that. Sounds like the person is just inconsiderate although she may have a valid side to the story some explanation should have been provided.
Hopefully you'll be able to let it go! Now that you and I know we share the same occurrence happening with the same person I think it says a lot about the person. There are tons of great people on the forum! I know it's frustrating when you just want the answer to your question Why? but sometimes that answer just never comes!
Perhaps her husband has something to do with this.
I think the same thing...

Hopefully you'll be able to let it go! Now that you and I know we share the same occurrence happening with the same person I think it says a lot about the person. There are tons of great people on the forum! I know it's frustrating when you just want the answer to your question Why? but sometimes that answer just never comes!
EXACTLY...I'm over it :dance3: haha