Got into a fight.

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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
Alamogordo, NM
So a friend of mine that owns chinchillas was gone for a few days visiting family. She had a guy watch her chinchillas for her. He didn't tell her that one of her chins was fighting with another one. So this resulted in the one chin losing hair, so much that the skin is showing, and a few scratchs. She wrote me yesterday saying she'd give me her for free (since she got her for free).

I said i'd take her since she's obviously not safe being in the home she is in.

I do not however have a picture of her previously, i asked for one to see how much damage has been done. but she didn't send me one.

i will be getting her this weekend, is there anything i should put on her to help her heal? or just let her heal by herself?

**sorry if this is put in the wrong area.
I guess you won't know the extent of the damage until you see her.

My Chin got bitten by one of my others, quite badly. He was treated as follows -

Vet trip. Wounds were shaved and flushed, and Septrin given as an anti-biotic as they were quite deep wounds. Also metacam for the pain. You couldn't see anything through the fur, I noticed because I stroked him and felt a little lump - little did I know he had 4 large bite wounds until they shaved the area.

Daily care - Use lint free gauze to dab on a saline solution (1 teaspoon salt to one cup of cooled, boiled water) twice a day. Use the gauze to dry Chinny off as much as possible.

When it was healing though, it would get to a certain amount of time and he would scratch the scabs open - I assume it itched when it was starting to heal. As a result, after the saline swab I would put Galen's Green cream on it -

I'm not sure if it's avaliable to the states or if you have something similar over there. I know people here will be skeptical about it; but they used to put more information on the site. It's 100% herbal using natural products and is totally safe should they ingest it. It stopped his itching instantly and he healed just fine. A few people in the UK have used it to very good effect.

This is of course more 'worst case' situation - Hopefully it'll be just some scratches not anything worse.

Keep an eye out for redness, inflamation or heat coming from the wounds - all these are signs of infection.
if the scratches aren't deep and are healing and scabbed over i would just keep an eye on them. maybe a little blue kote just to be on the safe side?

so this really moves up your chinnie homecoming schedule! congrats!
okay, i think i'm getting her tomorrow or saturday. so i'll post a few pictures then that way y'all can help me figure out whats best for her.

Where am i able to get blue-kote at? do they have it at like walmart or walgreens?

oh yes this really moves it up.. lol from february to november. ahaha.
maybe a little blue kote just to be on the safe side?

Yes, if you're going to treat at home I'd go ahead and pick up some blue kote. If you can avoid it don't get the aersol version (it's a p.i.t.a). If anything becomes infected she'll need a vet trip.

Has she been put in a separate cage? Is she eating on her own? Has she been given any treatment? If you don't know the answers try to find out from your friend. Hopefully it's just a lot of hair pulled out and minimal bite/scratch wounds.

EDIT: Just saw your second post. You should be able to get blue- kote at your local tractor supply/ feed store. I got mine at Farm & Fleet, don't know if they have them in your area.
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she is in a separate cage now. i'll ask about the eating on her own. and i'm pretty sure she hasn't been given any treatment. (this person is a byb and doesn't exactly know the proper things for chins :/ )
If you don't already have it you may want to get some Critical Care or Tanya's Essential's for Life Syringe feed. It's great to have on hand 24/7 for when emergencies come up.
i'll look at tractor supply tonight.
if they don't have it, is there any other options?
rather than ordering offline.

i'll have to order some CC.
i looked up blue kote her on the forum.
theres a lady that asked if Genitian violet would work, everyone said yes.
So i should be able to get that instead right?
Yeah I asked recently, they have it on the Walgreens website but I couldn't find it in the actual store, so I ended up ordering it online. Wouldn't hurt to try though. Call whatever feed stores are nearby and ask them if they have it too.
well i never got a picture of her.
i also did not go to Walgreens but i am today.
we got her shelves in the process of being made.
and today i am scrubbing down her cage.
and tomorrow little Cinnamon will be here :)
i will post pictures as soon as she's settled in, i don't wanna scare her at all. but from what i hear she is very sweet. i'll post pictures tomorrow though that way you guys can let me know what i should do for her scratches.

i do have a couple pictures of her, that my friend took. but they aren't that great. so i'm just gonna wait. i will tell you that she is a cutie. :)