Lovette's Kara
I had posted almost a month ago about my cat Nayelli having Chylothorax (http://www.chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17145).
I had put off taking her to the vet because she underwent a second fluid draining and had some more pills. However, they did not work and it was obvious that her chest had doubled the size and extreme breathing problems compared to what she had just a few weeks before (before the draining). Yesterday we took her back, and the vet said that every time we do a draining of the fluid we risk pockets of fluid building up, but we could still drain again. He also said we could try surgery, but odds are her lung could collapse or may not even wake up from the anesthetic. Otherwise, he was out of ideas. I asked him what he suggested and he didn't directly tell me anything, but he was not confident in either draining or surgery doing her any good. I felt that if I did either, I would just be prolonging her life because I couldn't let go.
It was really hard because I don't really think she was in pain, but there was alot of constriction in ability and she had a difficult time breathing for sure. She couldn't do the "midnight crazies" and often she wouldn't get up unless she had to, but there was the rare time she got up and played. On Monday I found a white mouse toy and threw it on the floor beside her and she did play, batting it around and tossing it about. She had to stop periodically, but she did play. But I also do remember on Sunday it was hot and she had a coughing fit for nearly 15 minutes. I figured it was like if you had asthma, but I have no idea how that is like since I have never experienced it. So, I dunno... I wasn't sure if she was ready, though I tried to prepare myself for her passing because nothing we were doing was making her better. I also know that whenever she had a coughing fit, she often turned around and aggressively groomed herself (fur pulling she does when she is stressed). The real test to see if they can beat it is if you can do three things when your pet has Chylothorax (Stabilizing the breathing, find the underlying cause, and I forget the last one) then it you have a chance... I couldn't even get the first two...
So, I made the tough decision to have her euthanized. I didn't feel she was going to be coming out of this. I felt it was probably better than waiting for the fluid to fully crush her lungs and she passed on from lack of oxygen. My mother and I stayed by her side and cried, we went through 3 boxes of tissue. Everyone said she was such a beautiful cat, and even people who were bringing in there pets for appointments said they were sorry. I think they could hear us crying...
I really hope that she knows I love her and I miss her. I was only trying to do what was best for her. Every time I see something that reminds me of her I cry. Last night was the worst, I cried myself to sleep, woke up and reached over to pet her since she sleeps on my one pillow with a red pillow case... well used to...
Nayelli was going to be 11 this year. It feels way too short of a time. But I still remember when she came to us, she was found under a truck near a warehouse in the middle of November... This tiny skittish little kitty. Her fur was so dirty that we didn't even know she was a torti until we washed her up! I still can't believe she is gone...:cry3:
Goodbye, my Beloved Nayelli!
I had put off taking her to the vet because she underwent a second fluid draining and had some more pills. However, they did not work and it was obvious that her chest had doubled the size and extreme breathing problems compared to what she had just a few weeks before (before the draining). Yesterday we took her back, and the vet said that every time we do a draining of the fluid we risk pockets of fluid building up, but we could still drain again. He also said we could try surgery, but odds are her lung could collapse or may not even wake up from the anesthetic. Otherwise, he was out of ideas. I asked him what he suggested and he didn't directly tell me anything, but he was not confident in either draining or surgery doing her any good. I felt that if I did either, I would just be prolonging her life because I couldn't let go.
It was really hard because I don't really think she was in pain, but there was alot of constriction in ability and she had a difficult time breathing for sure. She couldn't do the "midnight crazies" and often she wouldn't get up unless she had to, but there was the rare time she got up and played. On Monday I found a white mouse toy and threw it on the floor beside her and she did play, batting it around and tossing it about. She had to stop periodically, but she did play. But I also do remember on Sunday it was hot and she had a coughing fit for nearly 15 minutes. I figured it was like if you had asthma, but I have no idea how that is like since I have never experienced it. So, I dunno... I wasn't sure if she was ready, though I tried to prepare myself for her passing because nothing we were doing was making her better. I also know that whenever she had a coughing fit, she often turned around and aggressively groomed herself (fur pulling she does when she is stressed). The real test to see if they can beat it is if you can do three things when your pet has Chylothorax (Stabilizing the breathing, find the underlying cause, and I forget the last one) then it you have a chance... I couldn't even get the first two...
So, I made the tough decision to have her euthanized. I didn't feel she was going to be coming out of this. I felt it was probably better than waiting for the fluid to fully crush her lungs and she passed on from lack of oxygen. My mother and I stayed by her side and cried, we went through 3 boxes of tissue. Everyone said she was such a beautiful cat, and even people who were bringing in there pets for appointments said they were sorry. I think they could hear us crying...
I really hope that she knows I love her and I miss her. I was only trying to do what was best for her. Every time I see something that reminds me of her I cry. Last night was the worst, I cried myself to sleep, woke up and reached over to pet her since she sleeps on my one pillow with a red pillow case... well used to...
Nayelli was going to be 11 this year. It feels way too short of a time. But I still remember when she came to us, she was found under a truck near a warehouse in the middle of November... This tiny skittish little kitty. Her fur was so dirty that we didn't even know she was a torti until we washed her up! I still can't believe she is gone...:cry3:
Goodbye, my Beloved Nayelli!