Golden who saved 11-year-old owner from cougar

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I heard this on the today show. Dogs are so awesome. My dog did the same thing. A cat attacked me (my kitty was chasing my feet shhhh) and my dog fought it off (Chased it, wanting to play)
It's been all over the news here in BC where it happened. I think that is just awesome that dog stepped in to take on that cougar and thereby saving that boy's life. I almost think that even a little yappy dog like my dog Casey that I used to have would have stepped in and went berserk at the sight of a cougar but probably would have been swallowed up pretty quickly. Either that or she would have been enough of a distraction to give someone a chance a flee.

There's so many cougars here on Vancouver Island and I am so scared of ever encountering one but I probably won't b/c I live in a fairly populated area and generally don't do much trekking in the outdoors but you never know b/c their habitat is huge.