Glass Flying Saucer Wheel

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I've never see anything like that before. As ****oo said, can't read the site so I can't read any of the info and it does look small. However it appears it's flat not tilted so that's different, so maybe it doesn't need to be as big as the metal flying saucers, however in the videos the chins do seem to be having trouble running normally. My other concern is that if it is made of glass then it could break, I know my chins like to throw wood chews around and pretty much anything not fastened down too, also toys do fall in the cage.
Yeah i was worried about the small size too so i checked the sizes for the flying saucer. It's 28cm, about the same size as the small flying saucer meant for smaller chinchillas. My chinchilla is on the smaller side so that should be okay.

It states that it's made of tempered glass, stainless steel, and that the inclination of the slope can be adjusted.

I will be putting it on the floor of the cage, so no worries of it falling i guess.

There are some reviews in the page, which are pretty favourable towards it.
Pretty silent, and turns well, just that their chinchillas had to take a while to learn it.

Im actually more worried about my chinchilla slipping off if the glass is too smooth, unlike the metal flying saucers. ><

Haha yeah i havent seen this type of wheel before as well. Couldnt find anything on youtube or google.
Actually the 28cm wheel is small for chins really, it says right on the website that "The SMALL WHEEL fits... (degus, sugar gliders, rats, guinea pigs, hedgehogs.) The STANDARD WHEEL accomodates animals up to 2 1/2 lbs. It is ideal for chinchillas" The standard wheel is about 35cm, some people even go with the large wheel for their chins which is about 39 cm. I have the standard wheel and it works well for my boys and they aren't that big, 600 gram range, here is a video of one on it to give you an idea.

My worry about breaking was more by something falling on it rather then it falling, something like a chunk of lava rock or something falling from high enough could break even tempered glass.
Chewing on it would be my fear, they like to chew on wheels and I don't know if glass can be chewed on without chipping, I would not take a chance/
Wicket is really cute! <3

Your flying saucer seems pretty quiet. I've heard about some being really noisy as they rattle the cage but i guess not.

I missed the part about the wheels omg thanks.

Chewing on it would be my fear, they like to chew on wheels and I don't know if glass can be chewed on without chipping, I would not take a chance/

This is a really good point, thanks for pointing it out!

Yeah, guess this wheel is a no-go.

Will just get a normal wheel then.
Well, just an update! Got a standard-sized used flying saucer in good condition. It's been in her cage for around 4 hours and she already loves it. She doesn't know how to run on it yet, but I think she's learning! She's already slept on it 3 times lol.

Here's a picture.


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Yours seems to run very smooth and quiet. Worth the money just for that. How long have you been using it?
I've had it almost 2 years now, it does cause the cage to rattle, and all the toys, but it's really no louder then the clicking of the water bottle when they drink. The cage doors rattle the most, but that is probably due to not lining up perfectly, I just slid a piece of fleece in the bottom of the doors and that took care of the door rattle. I slept literally right next to the cage for a few nights this summer (power went out and the generator could only handle one ac) and I had no issue with the noise.