Any tips on getting your chin used to being held? I took starrkey the vets today for a general check up and it was commented on that he is a bit too squirmy. I presume i need to try holding him more (i'm trying to hold on to him for a little longer when im taking him from cage to bathroom for playtime) but are there any other tips, he wont eat treats when i'm holding him as he likes to go in a corner and use both hands to eat, so he's not confident enough to just sit on his back legs in my arms....i also have a distinct problem that my hands/arm space is tiny, so he may not feel safe/i struggle a little in making him feel supported (im guessing). He's only going to get bigger too as he's a young un.
Lol i see these you tube videos of people picking up their chins with one swift scoop, my hands are too small for it! Rubbish!
Lol i see these you tube videos of people picking up their chins with one swift scoop, my hands are too small for it! Rubbish!