Getting chinchillas into a carrying case.

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Sep 26, 2013
Hello. I was wondering how you would get two chinchillas in a carrying case without baiting them with treats?
I personally just reach into the cage and gently pick the first chin up, put him in the carrier and shut the door, and then pick the second one up and put him in (only opening the door up wide enough to put the second one in and not let the first one out). It is much too difficult to just put the carrier in and hope that they both happen to go in at the same time.

For more difficult chins that cannot easily be picked up, hopefully someone with more experience with that will chime in :)
I use the same technique, however since my boys are tricky: I scoop the first and get him into the carrier, set the lid closed, and place something on top of it like a book. I dont lock it because I dont want to be fumbling with a latch while trying to get the second one, and usually the second chin is harder to get since he's been tipped off that theyre going in the carrier and I dont want the first one to escape in the meantime.

In scooping them up I sometimes get them into a corner of a shelf and with one hand block them from leaping away and the other hand scoop under the belly and supporting the feet bring towards me using the outside hand to hold them secure.
My problem is I got both of mine at a shelter. One is 4 months old one is 5 years old. The younger one I can pick up no problem but the older one seemed to be abused by his previous owner. I can not touch him yet and I am trying to go at his pace.
I gave up and got the 2 hole metal ryserson travel cage.
We use the same method stated above, they get over it even if they do not want to be touched.