Getting a young chin for other chin

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Active member
Nov 12, 2011
So I have a pair of girls (mother and daughter) that I rescued and a third one that I rescued as well... I have their cages next to each other so I can start the intro process but just in case they aren't compatible I'd like to get my third one a friend... Does anybody know if the intro process is easier with a younger chin and one that's a year or two?
I think you should slow down a bit.. wait and see if the mother/daughter pair get along with the other rescue first. How old is the new rescue?

Chins do fine alone, you don't "need" them paired with other chins. Can you handle four chins, money and time wise? You'll need extra cages in case someone doesn't get along. Do you have money, time, and space for that too?
While I agree with the above, I will answer the question. In my experience, it is easier with a younger chin. But it still depends on the chins attitude and personality.