Gerbils getting the pill?

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Just read an article in the local paper that China is going to dispense contraceptive pills to the wild [?] gerbils, as it's cheaper and more humane than trapping them! Just dropping the pills in the holes! I imagine it works on both sexes! Guess the population is out of control!
Article doesn't say much more, but I'm wondering if they are naturally wild in China, or were these released pets that found a home?
If these pills were safe for chins, would some of you use them? Sure beats the "pink apron" [cringe!] alternative!
Wow must be really bad. I know it's not the point of the post, and probably something I missed, but what's the "pink apron"?
Just read an article in the local paper that China is going to dispense contraceptive pills to the wild [?] gerbils, as it's cheaper and more humane than trapping them! Just dropping the pills in the holes! I imagine it works on both sexes! Guess the population is out of control!
Article doesn't say much more, but I'm wondering if they are naturally wild in China, or were these released pets that found a home?
If these pills were safe for chins, would some of you use them? Sure beats the "pink apron" [cringe!] alternative!
They've considered doing this with white tailed deer in my part of the country because hunting can't keep up with the reproduction rate. Deer are reaching plague proportions through much of the east coast and mid atlantic states too.

Would I use it on my chins? No. I keep only males to avoid the problem of unexpected or unideal breedings, so the only family member in our house that needs The Pill is Me. (Won't be passing on *my* inferior genes either. ;) )
Over population is why hunting is beneficial.

I can understand that with deer, as last year on a trip to Wisconsin I saw about 6 road kills!
Just can't imagine how the Chinese would "hunt" gerbils!
This is gonna be a stupid question probably - do they really think the gerbils/deer/insert-animal-here is really gonna eat the pills? I mean we can hardly get dogs/cats to take pills, I would think that once a gerbil nibbles on it and it doesn't taste good, wouldn't they stop? I mean my dog can find a pill (and spit it out) even if you stuff it in a brick of cheese, pills have to be thrown down her throat or else she'll spit em out. I guess I just see it as like the gerbil takes nibble, it tastes bad, the gerbil throws it down, and so it wouldn't work... I could be wrong, this is just my .02
They must have some kind of "attractant" in them, as something must taste good to be eaten!
I don't understand how it could work on both sexes, simutainiously, without hurting at least one - estrogen and testerone combinations??
But the Chinese are notorious for feeding wrong information!
Pills can be flavored, my dogs think their heartworm pills are a treat, they taste like beef.

The problem with the whole theory is not in them eating it, but in regulation. What if one eats a lot of it, and another get none? Plus hormone therapy is not 100% effective, and some people don't respond like others. I know, I have two children, both conceived on two different pills.
I don't know how they would hunt it, but they would probably eat it...
My bf says they eat anything over there, and I would never eat again if I ever walked through one of their markets. He's from Hong Kong. I don't know if he's playing or serious, but I went to a dinner his brother threw and I couldn't beleive the stuff they had.
I can understand that with deer, as last year on a trip to Wisconsin I saw about 6 road kills!
Just can't imagine how the Chinese would "hunt" gerbils!

As for regulation, if only half took it it would probably help the situation. At least a little.
Have to be careful with that if you miss a few doses it actually increases fertility. Often the pill is the first thing they try when you are having fertility problems. It has been used in the past in the chinchilla world to when a female just wasn't getting pregnant.
Exactly. We top of the food chainers ran off all of our competition for venison during a time when it was far more widely used by the general population. Now it's more of a delicacy/regional food item, and in my area at least, the people who *want* to hunt and use their kill still can't keep up with how quickly the deer are spreading, even if they buy 3 tags/season. Our neighborhood consists of 4 housing complexes, a cemetery, and a middle school with football field. On a walk in the cemetery last week, we counted a harem of 8 does + 1 buck, which just stood about 30' away and snorted at us for interrupting their grazing. Apparently someone's funeral flowers were pretty tasty...

As for the gerbils and pills, I know there's a rabies bait used in this area that is pretty much irresistible to any mammal/marsupial in the state, including dogs and small children. Signs go up everywhere when baits are scattered b/c they don't want to be sued if someone's kid eats one and gets sick. I'm assuming these gerbil birth control pills are similarly designed. Maybe sunflower seed flavored? Something nut-based?
I think this is a hilariously great idea. It won't kill of the species completely but it will probably hedge the birth rate. This idea of "the pill" for wild animals is just really funny to me.

As for stemming population growth in deer... I've lived in the mid west my whole life. I personally hunt. And when ever some one gets on me for doing so I ask them if they have ever seen deer starving to death or dying from disease do to over population. Because I have, they are currently having this problem in the Black hills. I shoot because I care!!! lol. Olus they eat all my tulips.
Ok, I am a little confused. Don't you need to take the pill everyday for it to work? Or is this more like a depot shot, where you need it once every 3 months?

And could someone please explain how bc pills can make you more fertile if you don't take them right? Yikes!
Why don't they just trap them is my question?

I know a gal who is originally from Hong Kong, she was little when they moved, but goes back and of course her parents grew up there, and I know that she personally eats a lot of what we would consider "weird things" so I'm sure they have a large variety in the markets there.

You would think with the economy where it is, the desire for hunting would go up.