Furby breakdown?

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
Furby is by far the sweetest chin around, and lately he's been really irritable, won't come out of the cage, at all. and he BITES! hard! if you try to scritch him or pet him through the bars. is this because we just moved? I miss my sweet Furb! :(

edit: he's eating a lot, drinking a lot, doesn't feel weird, is still super hyper..
sounds like he is unsettled due to the move and is being defensive about all the changes. i'd take a step back and go through the whole bonding process again.
sit by his cage, talk to him, read him books, play cartoons on tv for him. don't feed him treats through the bars of his cage at all, as that could exacerbate the biting issue. open the cage door, lay your hand down in the cage and allow him to come investigate you on his own terms. i would hold off play times until he is settled again.
Tagna, he's just over 2 years old. I've been following chinnymom's advice and he's come up to me and given me chinny kisses a few times. :))