Fur ring checking problem!

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New member
Aug 6, 2011
Well im trying to get my chinchillas penis to come outside of the sheath and it just won't come out, i've watched videos, all i see is about a 1/6 of an inch little pink arrow right above the anus, he sit comfortably on his back and doesnt struggle so its really easy, it just won't come out. Any help, advice suggestions?
Not to sound trite, but are you sure your chin is a male? If you are, you could try some water-based lubricant (KY jelly) to ease it out. When it it fully extended it is pretty long...
This is actually going to sound pretty stupid, But i just did research, looks like i've had a girl this entire time, I didn't check because the pet store had told us it was a male, so i wasn't really worried or anything.
Yeah, so this is a weird thing to talk about. So, when I do ring checks, it's not so much just pulling the sheath back, but a bit of a, uh, um...coaxing of the blood in the penis to the head to get the head to stick out enough to grab it and pull it out (gently, of course). Do be careful if this is your first time as there could be a considerable amount of hair. Once the hair is carefully removed, reverse the process, trying to make sure the penis doesn't catch more fur in the process of resheathing. I think its funny though that he sits back while you do the check...most of mine wrestle with me a bit while I do it...I sometimes worry I will injure one of them if they move too much!
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This is actually going to sound pretty stupid, But i just did research, looks like i've had a girl this entire time, I didn't check because the pet store had told us it was a male, so i wasn't really worried or anything.

It happens. Glad you figured it out before you picked up another chin and ended up with surprise babies.