Fur Question

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We have had Scamper for about a year and half ... he has been getting dust baths one to two times a week. Ive never thought twice about his fur until looking at pics of other Chins and realized that Scamper's is a tad more greasy - not too bad but not the fluffy fur I'm seeing in other chin's pics. Its like his coat separates instead of looking fluffy. Is there different types of coats for Chins... or should we increase dusting .... or is it the dust we are using? Weve been using Kaytee until recently and had some Super Pet's dust/sand on hand that we decided to use ... which seems too gritty. Ive got an order of Blue Cloud coming.


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I think you'll see a big difference with Blue Cloud. Dust him 3 or 4 times a week for the first couple weeks, then drop it back. The greasiness should go away.
I am not sure about the super pet stuff is el crapola! does nothing to help you chin clean it's fur. to gritty. you will see improvement the first dust bath you give him with bleu cloude.
Thanks for your inputs! Glad it's something that can be corrected and not just a variety of chins that look like that.

Thats what I thought about the Super Pet - less than impressed but dont have much to judge it too. Its going to be pitched. Cant wait to get the Blue Cloud and have a fluffy coat!
we have blue cloud and ii have noticed that my standard female gets really greasy..brandon also has her sister which gets greasy fast also..and we bath them about 3-4 times in one week...
I also think you'll notice a big difference with Blue Cloud. Their fur quality can also depend on what is in their background genetically, etc. The greasy look can also increase when humidity is higher.
I have to give dust baths 3-4x a week during the summer when it is much hotter and more humid. During the winter I do it once a week (and their fur still looks better to me at that time).
You will definitely see an improvement with the Blue Cloud, I had stopped using the Blue Cloud and went with something called Sweet PDZ as it was very affordable--yet I have noticed my chins fur not quite up to par. It is also true depending on the genetics of your chin their fur may never look as great as you would like. I have a couple of chins who just plain have bad fur, no matter what I use it doesn't make them look great--no matter, they are still much loved!
Thanks again for all the info!! The Blue Cloud came in quite quickly and used it immediately. Scamper's fur showed such a drastic improvement just from the 1st dust bath. Also, he enjoyed the bath much more than the old stuff - he rolled and rolled and rolled!! We have only done the bath 2X since we got it and his fur is looking like it should - fluffy.
Yep new dust does wonders - I also noticed my first chin's coat improved dramatically when I changed to a higher quality feed...What are you currently feeding?
More dustings with a better quality of dust will help his fur look better but I have a pair of standard boys here that their fur separates easily and seem to need daily bathing. My other standard boy is not like that and my coloured boys always look fluffy regardless of how many dustings they get. I really think it depends on the chinchilla; some just seem more oily than others.