Fur loss around bum.

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Jul 5, 2011
Hello, what could cause fur loss around a chinchillas bum? It starts from his winky and goes right up to the bum also feels rough like dry skin or scaly can't quite figure out the sensation. Don't look sore and he don't seem to bothered by it. What cream could I use too IF it is dry skin?

Danke :)
if you could post a clear photo of the area we could better determine if it is fungus or dry skin or an infection of sorts.
Yes, he needs a vet, that looks painful. Is his cage clean enough, what bedding do you use. Do you leave the dust bath in? You shouldn't. Feed/hay change? You haven't been letting him outside I hope.
Looks like it could be urine scald, I would take the chin to a vet because if it is the reason needs to be diagnosed, is it because of a medical condition or husbandry.
Definitely could be from sitting in urine or dirty shavings. It could even be fungal. I'd take him to the vet if he were here because that looks a little frightening and I wouldn't want it to get worse!

The underside of the chin doesn't look too dirty...the fur looks clean. But, you just never know what it could be. Maybe it's a skin condition or an abscess is going to start up soon...it could be anything.
How often have you done a fur ring check, maybe it wouldn't hurt to do one today and see how the penis looks, if it has problems too.
There's no shavings in his cage, It's meshed flooring an he wee's through the mesh, I tend to do ring check most days when he's out for cuddles/playtime. He's got Vets Friday as I have no transport till then.
He could be allergic to the zinc in the galvanized steel, like someone with a nickel allergy. Hopefully that's all it is and he can be healed up with some salve and get him some fleece liners maybe?