Fur issues

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
Okay, so not quite sure how to explain this but...Sam's fur is fine in the front end of him but his backside has fur tufts coming out all over. I dust usually every third day, and because his fur still is doing this, I changed his to every other day, that didn't help, so I started coming him like once a week, that didn't do anything, I pulled out the tufts, and THAT didn't help. So he looks really bad and I would hate people to look at him and say, "Well she doesn't take care of them..." (Other than he's a TAD bit robust ;) ) I just wondered if there was anything I could do to make his fur look nice and pretty again. His fur is kind of thick...
A picture would help but barring any other health issues I would guess that he is priming. If he has been with another chin there is a possibility that there has been some aggression you are unaware of???
He was with another chin a while ago, but this has been going on for like 9 months. And priming doesn't last that long, does it? He was with one chin for about 3 months, and then another for five. But this was even before he was with the first chin.
Have you combed him out? Sounds like priming to me as well. If his fur is dense enough it will "catch" it so it doesn't fall out freely. I'd comb, dust, and comb again in a week and see if that helps. If you get a lot of fur out, that was probably it! With warmer weather coming a lot of chins will blow their coats.
Okay, will just a regular comb work? I don't have a chinchilla comb yet...
They can prime every 6 months. You need to get a rough grooming chinchilla comb to really get in there and get the dead fur out or he will continue to pop up with tufts. In the meantime, you can try taking a lint roller across the tufts.
Okay, I was planning on getting a comb soon, but until then, I'll use the lint roller and other comb. :)
Yes, that sounds like priming. I have several big ladies that blow fur like that all the time. You an continue plucking the larger pieces that have been blown out and even continue plucking the loose fur out as well. If you dampen your hands this works really well to attract the fur to your hands - even petting him backwards with damp hands will pick up fur. The lint roller doesn't work all that well with a whole bunch of blowing fur - you'll have to change the paper ever time you lay it on him if he has as much blowing as you say. Get a hacksaw blade or a fingernail file and rub that edge side down against his fur and the rough on the fingernail file will pull the loose fur out as well. Using the finest toothed hacksaw blade in pretty much the same manner just touching on the fur and skimming across it will pull the loose fur out as well. If you are not showing the expense of a comb really isn't worth it when the nail file or hacksaw blade will do a relatively good job with a roller to do your finish work. The dust bath will help as well after you have gotten most of the heavy fur removed.
