Fur chewing question

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Feb 6, 2011
Cleveland OH
I have a 10 year old female - Chessie - who recently started chewing her fur. Her cage mate/mother crossed the rainbow bridge on Sept 21.... Although both of Chessie's parents were friendly, affectionate and loved to cuddle, she came out the womb a neurotic mess, lol.

About a week after the loss of her cage mate, I noticed a big patch of chewed fur on Chessie's left hip. I'm guessing it's the stress of being alone for the first time that brought on the fur-chewing as nothing else has changed. Same cage, same 'neighbors', food, hay, treats, etc.

My thoughts were to get a young female to be Chessie's cage mate but I've read a few articles that say NOT to house fur-chewers with other chins.

Any one have first hand experience with this type of situation? I got a gorgeous little girl from Ritterspach's with the intention of putting her in with Chessie. The last thing I want is for Ally to develop into a fur chewer or become neurotic. Right now, she is friendly, affectionate and quite possibly the cutest thing ever put on this planet. JMHO.

Any input would be appreciated.

Fur chwers will always chew when stressed. She may or may not like a cage mate, but if you do get one doesn't mean she will stop chewing. So getting another chin is a personal choice.