I know alot of people give their chinchillas dehydrated fruit but is freeze dried okay for them, of course just a little piece once every month or so, and its pineapple so is that okay for a chin?
Fruit is fruit. Whether you freeze dry it or give it fresh, it doesn't take away from the sugar content within the fruit. So no, I wouldn't offer ANY fruit to a chin, freeze dried, fresh, or otherwise.
No fruit of any kind, fresh, frozen, dried for chins! No raisins, no pineapple, no papaya. What they books have said is incorrect Lauren. The sugar content is very high and can cause kidney damage and bloat in chinchillas which is deadly
One of my chinchillas got a bacterial infection from too many treats with sugar and we only gave one treat a day. We gave treats with dried apple in them and even though we only gave a bit once or twice a week but he still got sick. I still feel bad because of it because it could have been avoided even if Edgar never got sicker than yucky poops. Thanks to a good vet and a great breeder Edgar got well but if we had not acted quickly than we could have had trouble.