mark miller
Miller Chinchillas
I've recently wondered about something that I've never tried before. If a mother has raised a single baby for 30-45 days and that kit is only using 1 nipple and the others have dried up and stopped producing milk, but the 1 nipple being used still has milk, could that mother handle 2 fostered newborn kits? Would they have to fight over the 1 working nipple or if they tried to nurse on the other nipples is it possible for those to start producing milk again from the babies stimulation? I was always under the impression that if a female only had 1 working milk producing nipple that she could only handle 1 foster kit, but now I'm questioning that thinking. I'm hoping some of you have had some success and can share your experiences in fostering multiples to a mother that just raised a single baby. Does it work and what is the success rate for raising the multiples for those of you that have tried it?