food pelets

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2011
Just wondering if kleenmama's pelets are ok for chins? I am switching pelets cause the ones i have i found out are NOT good for my chins. (thanks to this website:thumbsup:) I am ordering some hay from there because it was suggested on here and i am not happy with the quality of kaytee hay i am buying on here. I read on her wabsite, that they are based for gunie pigs, but thy are a good price. I anyone could give me some ideas on other food brands that your chins like and are reasonable. (also with a good quality!) thanks;)
I am not familiar with Kleenmama. Maybe another knowledgeable member can help you decide.
I use Tradition and Manna Pro (for rabbits). I have some chins that prefer one over the other, so feed a mix and let them choose. I think other members also use Mazuri, Oxbow, and PRSC. They are all very affordable. Mine cost less than $1.5/lbs after shipping.
I would like to see the max levels of calcium and phosphorus, GPs from what I gather have issues with stones. I also don't like oats as being the second ingrediant.
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