so, I have my only chinchilla who I have had for almost a year and he always uses the bathroom in his food bowl! its weird because he still eats the food and I don't want anything to happen to him because he is eating it. anyways just recently I got another food bowl for him and I thought hopefully it might just be how the other food bowl looked. he ate out the other one but then he tipped it over because he is a bit heavy. Then I put bedding in his other food bowl (the original) and sure enough he used the bathroom! but then it was in the middle of the night and I checked on him and the was eating the bedding! so I took out the bedding and put in food. the cycle just keeps going! I'm not sure if he is trying to tell me that he doesn't like it but this is the same food the pet store I bought him from is feeding him and I don't think he did that there...... any ideas what I should do or anything thing else?