FN Questions

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New Chin Parent
Oct 28, 2011
So, I went last night & bought my FN! :dance3: One step closer to getting my chinnies! I just now owe my mom $260 worth of slave labor for it. Eeep!

Anyways, its the FN 182, is there any difference between the 142 & the 182?
Do the bass pans work with this model, or is it a different size I need to get? This is the link I currently have bookmarked to order :

I also have a question about placing the cage, the place we finally decided on... it is about a foot-ish away from a vent, is that okay? And it doesn't feel like there is a lot of air flow coming from it. It is about the only place where the chins will never be in direct sunlight, & are far away from the front door, to avoid the drafts. So, if that spot won't work, I have no idea what we will do.
Congratulations! I got my cage a few weeks ago in preperation for my chins. It's very exciting! Although, I wish I could just do labor around my parent's house to pay off my chinchilla debt. It's cost me around 1000 and I'm not done yet! The girls are here and would like more toys... haha

I have a critter nation, and those bass pans worked amazing in my cage. To my knowledge, they should fit both your cage models as well
The only difference between a 142 and a 182 is how they are assembled. The dimensions are the same and the pans work in both.
Haha, I know, they are expensive.. I try not to think about it though! Once I see their cute little faces, it is all forgotten.
I remember reading that the 142 needed tools & the 182 didn't. I'm very glad I got the 182, because we had an awful time getting it together without having to worry about screwing together each part, thank goodness! My bf and I aren't the best at doing things like that. But, after a few tries & taking the bottom rolly rack bit apart a couple of times because we put it on wrong... we finally got it!