FN broke due to wheel help

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
This weekend my one chin who has a feeder pan style wheel had his wheel crack the metal bars of his cage. it is broken in more than one position.....both the vertical & horizontal bar cracked in half.

Has this happened to anyone and if so, how did you fix the bar? Should I weld them back together?

Also what support can I use so that I can eventually put the wheel back.
I was thinking a wood support but could not envision how that would attach to the cage.
Can't help w/ the cage repair, but to reattach the wheel, what I would do is take two pieces of wood (probably 1"x8") and bolt them together with the cage panel sandwiched between. Then, attach the wheel to the wood rather than to the bars. Not sure if you'd have to attach the wheel to the inside piece of wood first or not, but the idea is that multiple attachment points over a larger area will reduce the stress on individual pieces of the cage wire and lessen the chance of breaks in the future.
thanks! i will see what my handy guy can figure out with the wood. he was going to weld where it came apart himself since he has a certification in welding.