FN 142...what to do, what to do...and rambling

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I have one 142 with 3 chins in it. I just bought a new baby chin,he is in a smaller cage in my room...but eventually I want to try him being w the others, if that doesn't work out,I like the idea of having the cages stacked like a FN. I found another 142 on craigslist. I plan on adding just the top for now (with the solid pan-until I figure out if I want it w the opening, solid, or completely open for jumping) so it would be 3 levels...4 seems like it wuldnt be very sturdy...anyone know?

My other questions are, if the 4 get along, should I have 2 levels open for pletny of jumping? Or 3 floors w ledges on the walls? I have the 142 w both floors fleece covered, and I rarely see them on the floor...they are always jumping on everything else. They just go to the floor for their hay and sticks. I like the look of the open floor...and that would save on another pan and more liners...and give plenty of jumping...but does that make the poop even more hard to control?

Also, if I put the new one at the top, would smelling each other help w being friends? Or should I introduce away from the cage? I've introduced one at a time before...but having 4 now seems like a bigger deal. Its not just introducing 2.