FN 142 best price

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so i know alot of people own FN's here and i really like them alot. a few questions, i have searched the internet a few days and the best price i have found shipped is 209.66. does anyone know better? also i will be dividing the two areas into two different enclosures, is there a solid pan? or do i have to rig it?
thank you
Bass Equipment has solid pans that you can order for the FN. They're listed under 'Ferret Pans'. As for the cheapest place on the Internet, Ferret.com and Kennelvet have been the cheapest, but some members on here have been lucky enough to get PetSmart to price match the online prices without shipping. You can also check on Craigslist for used FN cages, which you can find for $50-100 sometimes.
That is the best retail price that I've found also. You can sometimes find used ones on eBay, craigslist, or other similar sites.

As far as the pan goes, it is solid except a small hole in the back corner for them to get between the levels. It comes with a ladder from the bottom level to the top level and a hook to hook the ladder up flush to the underside of the top level so that the chins cannot get back and forth.
thanks guys, i have been watching ebay and craigslist but may just spend the 200 and get it.
If you have to take apart,reassemble it-let me know .I still have my copy of directions from my new one and I can fax it to you:wave: