I love my chinchildren!
So for Christmas I received one of the nice metal flying saucer exercise wheels that attaches to the cage. So far my two chins have both been very curious about it and have gotten fully up onto it and kind of rocked back and forth but then they jump right off. I have heard it takes time for them them to get used to flying saucers but I am wondering approximately how long I should expect? Just curious because if they can't get the hang of it I might consider getting a chin spin or something similar...I would much rather keep this one though because I have read it is the best for them
Also, I made them a hanging bridge out of wire and pieces of poplar wood, and they have both jumped onto it but as soon as it moves they spaz and jump right off haha does anybody have experience with bridges/will they start to like it a bit more??
Sorry if these are common/simple questions I just want to make sure my guys have the best and most fun lives I can give them
Also, I made them a hanging bridge out of wire and pieces of poplar wood, and they have both jumped onto it but as soon as it moves they spaz and jump right off haha does anybody have experience with bridges/will they start to like it a bit more??
Sorry if these are common/simple questions I just want to make sure my guys have the best and most fun lives I can give them