Flying Saucer wheel

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I love my chinchildren!
Dec 12, 2012
So for Christmas I received one of the nice metal flying saucer exercise wheels that attaches to the cage. So far my two chins have both been very curious about it and have gotten fully up onto it and kind of rocked back and forth but then they jump right off. I have heard it takes time for them them to get used to flying saucers but I am wondering approximately how long I should expect? Just curious because if they can't get the hang of it I might consider getting a chin spin or something similar...I would much rather keep this one though because I have read it is the best for them :)

Also, I made them a hanging bridge out of wire and pieces of poplar wood, and they have both jumped onto it but as soon as it moves they spaz and jump right off haha does anybody have experience with bridges/will they start to like it a bit more??

Sorry if these are common/simple questions I just want to make sure my guys have the best and most fun lives I can give them
Every chin is different. We can't tell you exactly how long it will take them to get used to the wheel or if they will even figure it out because of this. Took one of my boys a day, one of my boys a year, and one of my boys had one in his cage for a year and never figured it out.

In my experience chins do not like the bridges much due to the instability and how they move when they jump on them. Mine never did like their bridges so I took them out.
My chin's loved the squiggle bridges made by camphor chins. They add fun variety to the cage, but they are bolted to the wall, so they don't move around. I eventually took them out because I was sick of cleaning poop from every piece. If that doesn't bother you though, they are great!
every chins is different. They will figure it out at their own pace. The other side of that is that some chins rly like the wheels and use them a lot, and some might not care as much.

Then their are the chins that use it for other reasons...


^old pic, but you get the idea :p
Just a quick update: today I had them out for play time with the cage doors open and Buddah got all excited and started hopping around like crazy, he jumped into his cage, shot onto the flying saucer and started going! I stared at him in shock and them gave him a treat! I am so excited :)

My chins do the same thing. If they get overly excited or something they will suddenly hop on the wheel, give it a heavy and fast run quickly, then dart off just as fast lol. Or sometimes if they are trying to get my attention for some reason. They will run on the wheel to make some noise, and then stare at me or run over to me.
Thanks! Buddah, my chin who learned how to do it does it allllll the time now! And when I am laying in bed he will do exactly what you said haha he runs for a second and then stands up against his cage bars and stares at me. They are so funny! SO glad I decided to get chinchillas :)