Hello, for those of you with fleece tubes, I am wondering if there is a better spot to have it located...I've seen you all with wonderful pictures of your chins in your tubes. I got a tube a couple of weeks ago and I have yet to see my chin go in hers. I have it about mid-cage. I have a bridege from Cat leading up to it. I'm wondering if chins prefer to hide in the upper part of their cage, or if location really matters. She does have a wooden hidey house at the upper level of her cage that she really likes, but I was hoping she would like the fleece tube as well. Should I move it up to a top level or just give her more time?
I'd attach a picture but I'm on the wrong computer...If it helps, I can post one to make it more clear where the tube is...
I'd attach a picture but I'm on the wrong computer...If it helps, I can post one to make it more clear where the tube is...