Fleece tube - where is the best spot in cage?

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Jan 30, 2009
Washington State
Hello, for those of you with fleece tubes, I am wondering if there is a better spot to have it located...I've seen you all with wonderful pictures of your chins in your tubes. I got a tube a couple of weeks ago and I have yet to see my chin go in hers. I have it about mid-cage. I have a bridege from Cat leading up to it. I'm wondering if chins prefer to hide in the upper part of their cage, or if location really matters. She does have a wooden hidey house at the upper level of her cage that she really likes, but I was hoping she would like the fleece tube as well. Should I move it up to a top level or just give her more time?

I'd attach a picture but I'm on the wrong computer...If it helps, I can post one to make it more clear where the tube is...
i found out my chin wont use it if the fleece inside is tight but if i have it a little loose she will always sleep in there
I always hang mine from the top of the cage. With the bolts holding it to the top, or sometimes on the side.
I also hang mine towards the top of the cage. Chins seem to like the higher areas better. Plus, mine need it at the top so they can see the TV. :p
I can't put mine on the top because I have an aviary and its dome shaped, but I pretty much have placed the tube on each side of the cage. I love re-decorating :D!
I have mine on the left hand-side, mid way up the cage. My chin spends his whole life in that tube lol
I have one in the top right out in the open and one in the bottom right under a shelf. They seem to like the bottom one better to hide in and to squeeze between the shelf and the tube =P

I think it just really depends on the chin, try it out and experiment...observe what they seem to prefer and you'll have a very happy chin =D
I have mine near the top of the cages but not right at the top. I have a couple of chins that love to sit on top of their tubes as well as in it.

I do have one chin that prefers her daybed from Simply Chintastic over the tube.
here are a couple of pictures of the tube's location. I'm still wondering if I should move it up higher...I have it mid-cage right now where I filled up some unused space. Also, does it matter to your chins whether both sides of the tube are open or if one end is closed? I have both ends open.

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if you want to, you can move it higher, they can always jump into the tube from the shelf...but that's completely up to you. As for the openings, one of my tube has both ends open and the other tube only has one....Honestly, I don't think they really care whether it is "open" or "closed"....it's just your preference =D
Ok, Tink was sitting in her tube just a few moments ago! She didn't stay in there long, but at least she was in it! I've been looking for evidence of poop inside and haven't seen any. I am definitely a chin mom - I'm excited to see my chin in her tube! The little things in life that make us happy!!!
Kenai's is on the bottom level under a large platform, and he absolutely loves to sleep in it... but every chin has different preferences :))
I have them all over the place. On the doors of the FN; on the side of the cage with the hole facing the front; on the back wall facing sideways. Mine don't seem to care which way they go, as long as they can get to it! LOL...