I would assume it is fine as long as you dont have fleece munchers. I have never had problems with them eating fleece but some of them do. Just watch and it should be great!
I'm not really sure what they would do with it? Chins like to chew their toys, and if they can't chew it, it usually just sits there...or needs to be taken away, because they chew it anyway.
I would not give them fleece toys, especially a pom pom. Fleece is used because it is the safest fabric to use, but that does not mean it is completely safe. With pom poms or toys there would be a lot of lose ends and stuff, making them more likely to chew them, or get it wrapped around their legs or feet or something. They love wood toys and they are safe, so just give them lots of those!
I agree. I have a few cuddle buddy's I switch out for my one boy but I had purchased a smaller fleece toy at a store by me and as soon as I had seen him dragging it in his mouth around his cage, I took it from him and tossed it out. He never does that, that I see, with the bigger cuddle buddies.
I have a fleece basket ball that is actually a ferret toy with a bell inside. He doesn't chew it up and neither did my other chin. I've had that ball for five years and it's been a favorite for my chins with no problems. Their favorite thing to do is to take it to the top and then drop it. Then they stare at it for a minute and then do it again. Dragging something in their mouth doesn't mean it's going to be eaten how else would they carry it? I say just watch it and make sure they don't eat it.
If they aren't fleece chewers, it should be okay. Maybe you can make an itty-bitty baby cuddle buddy for your chin to carry around? They might have find tossing it off of shelves and carrying it around, but it might not be as interesting as wooden toss toys. As long as your chin has no interest in chewing it, then I don't see it to be a problem.
I agree with Eric4144, just keep an eye on any fleece. I have a chin that is a "Huge" chewer--wood, plastic, anything-but, i did cover a couple wood shelves with fleece and he has not chewed on them at all. I still would make, or buy the fleece toys more solid and not with fringe...Just IMO