fleece storage?

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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
So I realize I'm collecting a ton of fleece now since I've been using it for the four chin cages for quite some time. I'm loooking for ideas on how to be creative about where to store them both when clean and dirty. Right now the clean ones are folded on top of the cage and the dirty ones are in this huge ridiculous hamper. I don't have a lot of space here both closets are full for the most part. Where do you store your fleece?
My girls have two dresser drawers full of fleece. As for dirty, that goes into the wash right after it's pulled out of the cages.
my fleece is stored in a storage tub in the closet in the living room. and the dirty ones will go into a mesh laundry bag as soon as i pull them out.
Clean is folded and stored on the rack under the FN's. Dirty is shaken out and thrown in to a garbage bag in the closet. I wash every 2 weeks.
All of these ideas are good. My fleece prob won't fit in most of those places haha