Fleece Lining vs. Carefresh

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New member
Sep 20, 2011
Hi Chin lovers!

I own two chinchillas and primarily use Carefresh as their bedding. I've found that not only is it expensive but it takes up a ton of room in my storage closet.

I've been reading about fleece liners. It sounds wonderful but what can I put underneath the fleece to prevent their feet and fleece from falling through the grates?

I would think that putting the fleece directly over the grates of the cage would be uncomfortable. (Something non-absorbant I would think.... )

Hope you can help me....
What type of cage do you have? If the holes in the grate are large enough for your chin's feet to slip through you'll need to modify it. Even with fleece chins can burrow or push their liners around and gain access to the grates. If you post pictures, or tell us the brand we may be able to give you suggestions on modifying it.

I would definitely switch to pine shavings or fleece. Carefresh is a paper product, and can expand and potentially cause impactions if eaten.