Fleece liners/wire bottomed cage/pee pan

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So i know you guys are probably sick of being asked about fleece liners so sorry about the new thread. I have read a few threads but i seem to be not getting my answer.

I'm thinking about switching to fleece liners cause the other stuff is costing way too much with the size of my cage.

Firstly i just wanna know, i have a wire bottomed cage. But i was thinking of putting the fleece in the pan that slides out. The Chins won't be able to stand on the fleece with the wire, but am i wasting my time doing this? I thought if i made two fleece liners i could change the cage out more regular and won't cost as much? Does that sound ridiculous?

Now if i go ahead with the liners, how do i make them? Is it the same fleece as i made the hammocks out of etc? Do i make it with two layers? What do ye guys put in the middle to maximize soak-age, a towel? Anything else?

On washing, machine or hand wash? Detergent or no detergent?

Pee pan - how does this work? Can i use shavings etc and make them a toilet in a container, they seem to pee in one place (outside the cage lol) can you "train" them?

Please if anyone could help me out here i'd be grateful, you guys know more then anyone here in Ireland.


A :thumbsup:
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I guess you could use liners in a pull out pan with a wire drop in grid. It's up to you. The reason most of us use liners is because we were sick of the bedding mess, and using so much bedding. You will have to change the liners every 2 days or so to keep them from getting smelly.

You can make liners a variety of ways. Here is a tutorial I wrote up on how I make mine: http://www.chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=907&highlight=make+fleece+liners

You can machine wash the liners with detergent. A bit of white vinegar added to the wash helps take out the pee smell.

The potty pan is just a pan with shavings in it, that you can only "hope" your chin uses most of the time. You can add some shavings that have already been soiled in the pan for a few days so the chins smell the urine, and associate the pan with the urine spot. Place it in the area they seem to pee in the most. However, most chins will not 100% use the potty pan, so you will still have to change the liner often.
Can you by any chance take out the wire or is it in there for good because i used to have wire, but then i took out the wire bottom and did what your talking about, putting the fleece on the pullout pan, but my chin could actually stand on it.

My chin pees in 2 spots and then when i put the pan in where he peed the most he peed everywhere but the pan. Stackie that was an interesting thread, not to take away from your thread, but how does every layer get washed? or is the little opening how you take out the quilt?

Every thing else was answered by stackie.
The potty pan is just a pan with shavings in it, that you can only "hope" your chin uses most of the time. You can add some shavings that have already been soiled in the pan for a few days so the chins smell the urine, and associate the pan with the urine spot. Place it in the area they seem to pee in the most. However, most chins will not 100% use the potty pan, so you will still have to change the liner often.

Yep, as soon as I made some fleece for the kids, they all decided they like to pee on it... And they are all potty box trained prior to this. But, then again, they also have decided they like to pee in the playpen, even though we move the potty box in there when they play. *sigh* :wacko: So I guess you kind of have to decide if you would rather do more laundry (Fleece) or use more bedding and vaccumm it 24X7.
Since there is a new thread open I was wondering how you guys make your hammocks.
Where do you guys get the supplies for the hanging materials? I don't have a fabric store near me besides Walmart.

I made a hammock today and was going to use velcro but my sewing machine wouldn't sew them. I will have to sew them by hand.

Thanks so much.

Never mind I found what grommets are. I found the answer on chins n friends. I think mistywaterwoman does a good job.
I am thinking of changing my chinnie girls over to fleece liners. I have a QC mansion with the drop in grid. I think I am going to sew the fleece liners with a layer of an old, thick towel between. They won't be able to reach it because of the grid.
While I'm making my liners, I placed an old towel on the bottom of my cages and cleaned it out for the first time tonight while Phoenix was having some free time in the bathroom. It's sooo much easier than having to deal with bedding.

I sewed an old towel between my two fleece layers. I don' t know how well it absorbs but I hear it does a good job. I don't know if its just me but I am having a hard time sewing them- they might be too thick for my sewing machine.I would like to buy a new sewing machine since I am using my mom's from 10 years ago but Dustin said no. I found one at Walmart and it's purple for $40. I'm still going to check other places out just to see if there is one that is cheap and I can tell him it's on sale so that I can buy it...lol
being that you have a wire bottomed cage and the chins can't access it you could just use old towels if you are trying to save money. There is no need for the protective barrier of the fleece the wire bottom will serve this purpose. I have to suggest using baking soda as an odor absorber when use cloth bedding to help with the smell though.
Hey everyone thanks for your replies, still using wood shavings as i have some still but will give the old towel and pee pan a shot for a week or 2 and see how we go thanks again!
I'm glad someone else asked the "newbie" questions, because I'm getting ready to do the switcheroo as well. I have little faith that my chins will actually use a pee pan, but from what other people have said, not all of their chins do either, so at least I'll know my guys aren't mutinous deviants. ;) Good thing I've got a sewing machine and a coupon from Jo-Ann Fabrics!!!
Maybe its just my sewing machine but it won't go through fabric? My mam hand sew the hammock and fleece tube for me. Sewing fleece liner is gonna be a pain in the as..... hand!