fleece liner attachments??

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Active member
Dec 20, 2010
Somerville, MA
Hi all,
I'm sure this info is out there somewhere if someone can point me in the right direction....
Petunia has started pulling up the fleece liners on our ferret nation cage. She used to just do it a little bit, but now at least half ends up all balled up in the middle of the cage and she makes a mess! We made the fleece liners so they fit the bass pans on the bottom of the cage. Is there a way we can attach the corners of the fleece to the cage so she can't pull it up?
I would try velcro if they are the ones that just sit in the pan.
You can buy velcro with sticky on the back sides and it holds really good.
You could even run it along the sides.
another option is to put chiller tiles at the corners of the cage, holding the liner down. i do this with Rhino's liner and he leaves it alone.
cool! thanks for the ideas. We actually put her chiller in one corner and her house in the other and they both get moved! She has some interesting ideas about interior decor.
cool! thanks for the ideas. We actually put her chiller in one corner and her house in the other and they both get moved! She has some interesting ideas about interior decor.

I don't know if this will help, but my little guy does the exact same thing....bunches all of the fleece up to the middle of the cage, :hair:

I purchased some marble chillers on here (from SamiJami)---they're 6"x12", so they're pretty long. I put two of those down and try as he might, he has not gotten the fleece up....:bliss:.....for now.

So maybe if you had longer ones....or could put two together at each corner of the cage?