Booker doesn't really mess with his fleece, but I know one of my boyfriends chins is a notorious fleece-puller. Does Marley have a wheel? When the naughty chin is bored/doesn't have adequate exercise, it seems his chewing gets a lot worse.
It really depends on the chin. Most do fine with fleece and really like it. I bought a hanging house from Annie and Tribble decided to chew one of the "straps" that is hung on. So I took it out. I don't really understand why he did it either. He has tons of things to chew on and never chewed on fleece before. He has a cuddlebuddie from Annie too as well as a pillow and he never chews on them. Most chins will "test" out a new cage item but you need to watch and make sure they aren't chewing the fleece. It can be dangerous if it is swallowed. I'd rather be safe than sorry and take it out.
I have a fleece lining on bottom of my chins cage. Have to say best thing I did no more shavings all over the floor and sofa still occasional poop though lol. Both mine seem happy with it neither try and eat it or pull it up (yet!!!)