Fleece bedding?

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New member
Apr 26, 2012
Hey guys, hope everyone is well. I've currently got 4 chins, Charlie & Sam who live together and Murray & Murphy who live separately. We've had chins since 2008, and have been using wood shaving as bedding for the majority of the time. So having been looking at some of your guy's awesome cage set ups, I see a lot of people using fleece as a liner for the bottom of the cage, which I've never thought of before. This seems like a bit of a cleaner idea, and I'm getting sick of cleaning out the shavings, which also get everywhere in the house..

Regards to the logistics of putting in fleece liners, I'm assuming they're washed every week or so?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated :wave5:
With 4 chins I change liners about once a week. I used to add 1 cup vinegar to the wash to help with the urine odor. In the last few weeks I've switched to adding Nature's Miracle (not sure if you can get it in the UK) I think it works better than the vinegar.
if you chin is potty trained it helps wonders =)
in cost over time ,mess , looks better etcetc

also I noticed my younger chin (@1 yrs old...such a princess) he has almost no callus on his feet
he's always been on solid wood or fleece @_@

mine is vacuumed everyday and changed every week
and then all fleece pillow, houses, hammocks, tube/floor liners and w/e is all washed every two weeks
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I went to get my chins from a breeder, 2 weeks ago.
There they had wood shavings as bedding, and a few wooden platforms to hop on.
They are both male, 2 and 4 months old.
I bought a new ferret nation cage and putted fleece at the bottom and mid shelve.

Unlike other people here on the forum, with my chins (for now) there is no need to really fix it to the platform, it is just tucked under the shelves. This gives some resistance to pulling and stops it from sliding, but they could pull it from under if they wanted, they just don't :D

I also putted in a non used but old pyrex bowl (dunno how you say that in english, a glass bowl that is sturdy enough to use in the oven) with aubiose in it (the hemp shreddings). I've putted it in the back in a corner, under a shelve so it is a bit more "private"

Once I got home with them, the smallest one "found" the bowl first (matter of minutes) and instantly whent to sit in it, putted its tail up and made a little pee. The big one found it just a bit later.

Just to say: making your pets understand that fleece shouldn't bee used as toilet is sometimes more luck then being a good trainer or having patience :)

EDIT: I put a 2 inch layer in the bowl and clean it out once every 2-3 days.
Even in a round bowl, they always go pee in the same spot at the edge. That way, the upper aubiose layer stays dry, doesn't smell and looks decent, while the bottom of the bowl has a layer that absorbed everything.. For now, it works like a charm.
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I jumped on the fleece bandwagon just recently. I got my two fleece liners delivered today and I love them. They really do make the cage look alot better. I'm planning on switching them out/washing them once a week, since i've read thats what alot of people seem to do. I also put the bedding in a glass "bowl" and they seem to know to go pee in it, of course since mine aren't potty trained, i'm sure they will go on the fleece, which is fine. That's why I got two so I can wash them like everyone else. But I really love them. I think it makes the cage look really nice and like someone else mentioned. It does save you money without having to get bedding, as well as the clean up. Tigger and Eeyore liked to make a mess with the bedding lol.