Fleece and potty training help?

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2014
My first chin is litter trained but my other isn't getting it so well... It's getting to the point where I am putting him in the other cage(hopefully the introduction process goes well), which is covered in fleece.

How often would you change the fleece with one chin peeing on it? I think I can get him to go in the litter box a bit but he will still probably pee elsewhere.

Any other potty training tips?

He's in the quarantine cage so there's no fleece in there, but he is peeing in one corner(mostly). I'm going to start the cage within a cage method today as well. :)
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I didn't have to potty train Yuki (lucky me) he came 6 years old with his cage, so i had it easy. I change his fleece liners AT LEAST once a week, but I could probably go longer pee-wise. it's just by then he's got so much hay stuck to it and toy debris everywhere that i pull it.
I always change the fleece weekly, I was just wondering if I would have to change it more often then. :)

Chilly learned without me even having to try... But Momo hasn't really picked it up yet Lol.
One of them is litter trained, so it would only be only one of them who is peeing on the fleece.
id wash it every few days probably. That stuff can get sticky and nasty if left out a while. Also worth noting that the (im assuming) acidity lvl in there urine can start to eat through the metal bass pans if left to long.
At the moment, we have a broken dryer so we are forced to go elsewhere to do laundry... Which means it only gets done once a week. I could let them soak but I just don't want to ruin the liners. Lol.

I still have the plastic pans on mine. :]
Urine can soak through the liners and into the plastic pans. I have tried fleece twice now (with some of the chinchillas that were boarded here) and both times it did not work out. I and my family could smell urine 12 hours after changing the fleece.
Urg >.< I don't have enough fleece liners to be changing them all the time. :/

Would trying to soak it up after he goes help?
We use the fleece liner/litterbox combo & had a similar experience with our boys... They both had started in small individual petstore cages w/ aspen shavings, but when we got a FN182 we switched them over to fleece liners. We found out quickly that without a litter pan, those suckers got pretty stinky after only a day or two (my chins pee a fair amount lol) so we decided to try litter training them. I got two ceramic bowls filled with aspen shavings that we stick in their corners, & Gizmo picked it up within a couple hours and hasn't looked back; Mojo, however, did nothing but throw the shavings about & make a royal mess, then promptly pee on the fleece next to the bowl lol. We kept putting the bowl in there though, and he eventually figured it out. Now our liners (2 layer, no quilt in the middle or anything) can go 5 days without odor, but I still change them every 2-3 days just so they aren't mired in their own filth lol. So I guess my suggestion is to simply be persistent & allow them time to figure it out.
I'm likely getting another CN cage for him but I'm not sure that he will figure it out.

I left him explore the other one while I had my other chin out(as I was going to clean it today) and he peed a bit everywhere. :/ now he's not in that cage often so he is still on regular bedding but he pees everywhere there too. I think the CN is so large that he's less likely to go in one spot.