Flea powder safe for chins?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
My cats and dog have fleas, my vet told me it was a good idea to use rabbit safe flea powder in their bedding. I can't find any in the local pet shops, does anyone have any idea where I could buy it, or if I could use something else?
I'd steer clear of it myself. I'd treat your dog and cats with something like Frontline, and then get Diatomaceous earth which is a natural substance, and sprinkle it on the bedding. If you get food grade, you can even sprinkle a little bit in their food (cat and dogs) to aid in worms. If they have fleas, good chance they can have worms unless you deworm them on a regular basis. What it does is dry out the outer shell of the flea. Much safer than pesticides everywhere in the environment. Do keep in mind that it is a very fine powder, and can cause breathing issues in some people, but it's what I personally would check out. Some feed stores might carry it, but found mine on Ebay.
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Would it cause breathing problems in the chins as well? I'll check out online to see if I can get some, thanks! Vet said it was hard to treat chins with fleas, but my poodle had them and she sleeps with me. We did put frontline on them about a few weeks ago but they are do for it again. I don't want my boys to get it. Fleas creep me out.
Chins aren't supposed to get fleas. Their coats are to dense. I never allow the dogs or cats into the chin room so have never had to treat that area. I suppose it could cause an irritant, but if you put it into a ketchup bottle (the kind with narrow tip) and just went around the outside of the cage (floor area) maybe it wouldn't be so bad?
Make sure when you vacuum, that you throw away the bag or the flea eggs can hatch. It's a nasty vicious cycle. We had the problem once when the kids drug a stray home, and never have had fleas since, thank goodness!
My dog has always slept with me, even before I got my chins. She had always left my small animals alone. My chins are in my bedroom. We don't want to flee bomb because of the cats and dogs, as well as our small animals, hoping it doesn't come down to it though. We have had dogs over twenty years and have never had flees. No idea where it came from. Thanks for your help checking out eBay now :)
Flea bombs don't work. They go up then back down. It will not get under furniture where fleas hide. Treat with frontline for several months to break the life cycle. If you've got flea collars cut them up and put them in your vacuum bag.