Fixed cats "mating"?

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Jan 28, 2009
Mount Carmel, PA
Ok, so here of lately, Speed has been going up to Spirit, grabbing her neck, and trying to mate with her. He'll go at her good too! Spirit got fixed in March, and Speed's been fixed since before I got him a year ago. He only started doing it Sunday morning that I noticed, and it makes no sense what so ever.

For the most part, both cats stay in the attic (where mine and my sister's rooms are), although Speed will occasionally go downstairs. As far as I know, there aren't any cats in the area, but neither cat goes outside anyway.

Any suggestions or ideas? It's so weird!
It's probably a dominance thing. I remember when I had cats, both males and fixed, they would "mate" too. I say just let them work it out.
When I was cat sitting my mom's cat, he would just lay right on top of my cat. No humping or anything... just lay on top of her like a fat blob, lol.
I have a male and female that are both fixed, and the same thing happens here. What's weirder is that I just recently had to put down a younger female, who, after being fixed, was fine for a year, and then started going into heat. She then would follow my other female around and yowl and scoot along the floor for her. It made no sense to me whatsoever!!!! So much for getting them fixed!!! :)
Haha I've had cats for years and this is the first time it's ever happened so it shocked me, to say the least. I know dogs and chins hump for dominance, but I had never heard of it in cats. Glad to see my cats aren't the only ones.