First Vet Visit

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Jun 21, 2014
Hi all,

So in acouple weeks I am taking my chin to her first vet visit. I got her a year ago from a friend who could no longer care for her and I do not think she has ever been to a vet before. What can I do to prpare for the visit and is there anything I can do to keep the visit less stressful for her?

Thanks!! :)
Yep, keep her home. Unless she's ill, I don't see any reason to stress her out. Is she eating, drinking, pooping, peeing? Is she running around like a crazy person? If she is doing all of those things, then she's just being a normal chin.

Does she have wet eyes, wet chin, soft poops? Does she click or grind her teeth? Does she stretch out repeatedly on the bottom of the cage floor, retract, then stretch again? Is she lethargic or unresponsive? If yes to any of those, then you need a vet.

I don't take any of my chins to the vet unless they need to go. I don't take my rats or degu either. Dogs, cats, and horses have regular vet visits because they need shots.

It wouldn't be a bad idea for you to meet your vet or at least talk with them to find out what their chin knowledge is. Ask what antibiotics they think are safe for chins, what they would do to check for malocclusion, would they treat it? How would they deal with a broken limb? What do they know about bloat and gut stasis? What meds do they use to treat it? Taking your chin along isn't necessary because the most they can do is look at her eyes, maybe in her ears, feel around on her jaw, and maybe listen to her heart.
Thank you for the advice! Unfortunately it is looking like a vet visit is going to be in order because her poop is soft. She had diarrhea a few weeks back but with a little shredded wheat and more hay/less pellets and no treats it cleared up. Now her stool is getting soft again(not as bad as last time) but i would like to make sure that there is nothing seriously wrong. Her behavior is fine but the soft stool worries me since i reqd that diarrhea can be dangerous.