I got a chinchilla from a friend of mine, so I hate to say it is a rescue situation but it is. She really didn't take the right care of him when he was younger (I would guestimate he is right around 8 months to a year about now...) and I could use some pro help getting him comfortable. I love my Chinny (Nibbblr [pronounced "nibbler"]) but he doesn't seem to love me. I am sure he does but he is so uncomfortable with people and that is why I was referred here. I just switched to Oxbow and could use some extra help as to what else he might like. I was told rose petals and stuff like that. I need to socialize him more but he snarls, literally snarls, at me when I try to handle him. I feel terrible because it makes it so difficult to handle him. Any tips/suggestions?
I got a chinchilla from a friend of mine, so I hate to say it is a rescue situation but it is. She really didn't take the right care of him when he was younger (I would guestimate he is right around 8 months to a year about now...) and I could use some pro help getting him comfortable. I love my Chinny (Nibbblr [pronounced "nibbler"]) but he doesn't seem to love me. I am sure he does but he is so uncomfortable with people and that is why I was referred here. I just switched to Oxbow and could use some extra help as to what else he might like. I was told rose petals and stuff like that. I need to socialize him more but he snarls, literally snarls, at me when I try to handle him. I feel terrible because it makes it so difficult to handle him. Any tips/suggestions?