First timer from IL

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New member
Nov 11, 2011
I got a chinchilla from a friend of mine, so I hate to say it is a rescue situation but it is. She really didn't take the right care of him when he was younger (I would guestimate he is right around 8 months to a year about now...) and I could use some pro help getting him comfortable. I love my Chinny (Nibbblr [pronounced "nibbler"]) but he doesn't seem to love me. I am sure he does but he is so uncomfortable with people and that is why I was referred here. I just switched to Oxbow and could use some extra help as to what else he might like. I was told rose petals and stuff like that. I need to socialize him more but he snarls, literally snarls, at me when I try to handle him. I feel terrible because it makes it so difficult to handle him. Any tips/suggestions?
Hi and welcome to the forum! There are a lot of helpful threads you can read, from what sort of treats to give, to socializing, etc. Do some reading and a lot of your answers will be there.

I can tell you that your chin may need some more time to "warm up" to you. My chin took maybe a month or so to really start to feel comfortable in new surroundings that had new sounds and smells, and to become comfortable with me. I spent a lot of time next to her cage just getting her used to my presence. I took it slowly with her, and let her set the bonding pace. The more time you can spend with your new chin, the more it pays off in the end. My chin is now incredibly friendly and loving and loves to sit in my lap and get scritches. Patience is the key.
Welcome--I'm in Wisconsin. As tunes said patience is the key--if your chin was not handled much or treated well while he was younger he really needs to have time to get used to you. The more time you spend by his cage talking to him and getting him used to you the better things will be. Some chins really do not ever like to be handled and he might be one of them.
Welcome, you came to the right place! Congrats on your new baby! I hope you will find this forum as helpful as I did (and still do).