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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Portland, OR
Aghhh, I'm having the worst luck today! Ordered two chinchillers (spendy, I know) and a fiddlesticks hideout.

One of the chinchillers came broken and the fiddlesticks hideout came with sap on one of the branches. Or so it looks like. Hopefully it's not wood glue!

I haven't been able to find out what kind of wood they use, so I have no idea what to think. I'm considering returning it and getting a refund. What do you think?
i do know a few people that have the fiddlestick hideout and it's possible for it to still have sap on it. not sure if you can get rid of it somehow or not.
hopefully someone will chime in so you know whether or not to return it.
you could have gotten like 5 tiles for the price of your two chinchillers lol.
I know, I honestly just don't have the time to go out into the burbs to a Home Depot or Lowe's. The extra $$ is worth it to save the hassle.

The wood smells really strong but Superpet are a little evasive on the site about what they use.
Toxic wood in Fiddle Sticks!

Thought you guys might like to know. This is what I got back from Superpet re: the wood in Fiddle Sticks

"Thank you for your recent e-mail. The Tropical Fiddlesticks are made from miscellaneous branches such as oak and fir. We hope this information is helpful. Thank you for your support of Super Pet products."

Both of those are toxic according to various lists.
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Really??? I have had fiddlesticks in my cages for about a year, after asking people on this forum if they were okay to use. Everyone seemed to think they were safe. This is pretty disturbing news...
Fir is safe. I am unsure about the oak, but I will do some digging.

BTW - I don't like the tropical fiddlesticks because they are junk, but I have used them in the past. The original fiddlesticks were huge logs with bark on them that lasted pretty much forever. The tropical ones are crap, meant to be consumed as fast as possible so you have to buy more.

This is where I've been getting my wood lists:

ebony/ elderberry/ eucalyptus/ euonymus/ euphorbia/ fir/ firethorn/ flame tree/ foxglove/ ginkgo/ golden chain tree/
greenheart/ ground cherry/ guarea/ hemlock/ holly/ honey locust/ horse chestnut/ huckleberry/ hydrangea/
iapacho or ipe/ iroko/ ironwood/ juniper/ katon/ kentucky coffee tree/ kumquat/ laurel/ mahogany/ makore/

mansonia/ man-made board: plywood, chipboard, blockboard, hardboard, fibreboard (mdf), stirling board (ref)/
maple/ mesquite/ mock orange/ monstera/ mountain laurel/ myrtle/ nectarine/ oak/ obeche/ oleander/ opepe/
peach/ peroba/
Take pretty much everything and anything on chincare with a grain of salt. They have some truly weird ideas.

Check the FAQ's here on this forum. You will find a safe wood list and fir is listed on it.
Well I'm taking the fiddlesticks out of my cages then....I hope my chins are okay! They have been in two of the cages for quite a while :(
I don't know any details but the right clicking thing makes me go :rolleyes2:

Sounds like there's some good gossip!