Ferret Nation 143 Question

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2010
Just wondering if anyone has a Ferretnation 143 cage.
I'm thinking of getting an add-on for my 142 if Momma has any male kits.
I was just concerned on two things:

1) My 142 shakes with Misty on the wheel. There's something about multiple chins on chin spins and gravity that scares me deeply. Anyone have any problems with the wibble-wobble?

2) It'd be taller than me :neener: Just kidding..what are stepping stools made for??

But yes, just wondering if this would be an ok idea with chins. I've only ever seen it used for ferrets :)
I have 2 FN's that are 3 levels. I took off the storage shelf so they aren't too tall since I am short. All the chins have wheels, either saucers or chin spins. I just alternated what side the wheels are on so thet aren't all on the same side. No issues with wobblying!
I have 2 FN's that are 3 levels. I took off the storage shelf so they aren't too tall since I am short. All the chins have wheels, either saucers or chin spins. I just alternated what side the wheels are on so thet aren't all on the same side. No issues with wobblying!

Oh good! I'll have to try that.
Thank you! :)
I have a 3-level as well. I took the bottom shelf off and have one wheel on the back and one wheel on a side. It does wobble but certainly not enough to disrupt the cage's balance.