feisty ferret cage

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2013
Wilkes-Barre PA
I just got a feisty ferret cage for my chins. I'm going to have to modify it somewhat but my question is... do you think it's big enough for 4 chins? 2 on top and 2 on the bottom? The cage dimensions are 31-inch long 20-inch wide 41-1/2-inch high ( 54-inch high on stand) with 7/8-inch wire spacing.
I don't know the dimensions of that cage compared to the ferret nation but I know people house chins in the ferret nation the same way.

I, personally, would give 2 of them the whole cage and get another one for the other 2 but that's just me.
I have 2 fiesty ferret cages and it is too small to hold 4 like that. I will either open it up and put 2 in there. Or leave it divided and put singles in it.
Divided, the cage is less than 2'x2'...most pet owners would agree that's too small. Now, if you're planning on housing opposite sex pairs for breeding purposes in each unit...from a breeding standpoint those would be acceptable pair dimensions.

That said, if you're doing all of one gender the cage as a whole (not divided) could definitely accommodate 3 provided they all got along which is the biggest task.

Now, that all said, regardless of gender you're going to have to have other cages on hand if you want to introduce anyone as things may not go as planned for introductions...or if you're breeding, to remove the male to when the female(s) would get pregnant.