Feisty Ferret cage question...

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Utica, NY
I have a Ferret Nation cage and a Feisty ferret cage. Having just got my pans from Bass for the Ferret nation and loving them, I am wondering. Has anyone every gotten pans for a Feisty Ferret or heard of it being done? I would love to get pans for my other cage, but only the right hand door on the top and bottom open. Could I even get a pan in there?
I would also like to know if there are pans available for the Feisty Ferret cage. I own one of these cages and have recently made the decision to try out the fleece liners and see what the hype is about. I checked the measurements and I believe they are slightly different sizes.

Is there anyone who uses fleece liners and does not use a pan? Assuming they are cleaned often, I couldn't imagine the floor would get too messy. I am currently vacuuming about twice a day now trying to keep the floor bedding-free. Surely it can't be worse than that... :))
I have a feisty ferret cage and I use fleece liners. I have a small hand held vacume that I use to vacume the cage out once a day and change the fleece once a week, sometimes twice. I get very few dropping on the floor, somedays are worse than others. I think it depends on how messy your chins are. It seems like I get more hay thrown out of the cage than droppings. As far as pan, the cage is a bit smaller than the FN so I don't think they would fit. But to try you could just take the top off and see if a pan would slid down in.
I also wanted to add, for my liners. I make them a little bit bigger than the cage and I tuck them under the bottom racks to hold them down. If they are held in place good, it make vacuming them out easier.