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Sep 3, 2011
San Francisco
How do you keep your chinchillas from sitting in the feeder? I have a feeder to keep them from pooping in the food dish. Now they sit in the feeder and poop. Has anyone run into this problem? I feed them, they poop in it and then they don't touch it.
I have outside feeders, but had to cut a hole in my wire. Mine are custom feeders though, and they can only take one or two pellets at a time, but they work!
I put my feeders on upper levels or up a little higher so the poop doesn't fall in it and they have to reach up a little to eat.
I have this 10 oz E-Z Crock. The chins sit up at it and eat. They can't sit in it. I rarely find poop in it.


I also thought about getting something like this, but it worries me that it appears to be made of plastic (correct me if I'm wrong). Right now I'm thinking about getting one of those little stainless steel cups that attach to the cage (usually made for birds).
^yeah those are plastic. Had one once, and the chins poo'd in it. I have some of those metal coop cups -- they get poos in those. They're resourceful little turds...I even have some in runs which have the hopper feeder with only that little part that sticks into the cage...and I STILL find poos occasionally in the hopper with the food.

I've given up on finding a way to get them to not poo in their food. They eat their poo, so it's doing no harm. What I hate is the ones that pee in their food - cause that actually wastes it.
We use the stainless steel "coop cups" and have the same problem. With some of our chins, we just give an extra bowl to use as a "poop bowl". They poop in one and eat from another. Seems to work out!

Now the ones we really have a problem with are the diggers! We have a few that will dig every bit of food out of the bowl no matter what. With some of those we put the bowl about 2 inches from the top of the cage, with a shelf next to it, so they have to squeeze their head in to get food, but can't dig.
I started my guy out with a shallow ceramic food dish and found that he sat in it and peed and pooped in it constantly, so I got a J-feeder and haven't had any problems so far (I've only been using it for a couple days now). It came with the cage so there was a custom cut-out already in it. Also with the J-feeder you can fill the food from the outside of the cage. There's really only an inch and a half tops for him to pick the food out of and it isn't big enough for him to climb up on so there's really no way for him to pee or poop in his food. It also keeps him from digging all the food out or getting bedding in his food as well and since it is made of metal he can't chew on it!
Thanks. Yeah, if mine is about three fingers wide, they find a way to sit in it and poop/dig all the food out. I hate to see them waste so much food, so I might try to idea of giving them a space they have to stick their heads into. Thanks for the comments tho, much appreciated.
Now they sit in the feeder and poop. Has anyone run into this problem?

I have absolutly no idea what your talking about...
